Thursday, December 31, 2009

Grow Tubes Where Do Pollen Tubes Grow And Why Do Fifferent Species Need Different Sucrose Solutions?

Where do pollen tubes grow and why do fifferent species need different sucrose solutions? - grow tubes

Why the different species have different growing conditions?
Why pollen tubes that grow and flourish?


Maverick said...

The pollen tube acts as a conduit for sperm from the pollen that landed on the stigma of Transport, the oaks at the base of the stamp.

The pollen tube germinates a pollen grain and the overall length increases by the stigma, style and ova reach the egg.

For maize, the cell can grow more than 12 centimeters to travel the length of the stamp.

The sperm themselves are not mobile and in the tube instead. At the end of the tube reaches an egg bursts and gives two sperm fertilization leads to a double diploma.

A sperm unites with the ovum (egg), the embryo of a new plant to produce, while the sperm enters into the second central cell of the endosperm of the seeds to produce.

The endosperm consists of starch, protein and oils and is an important source of food (wheat, barley, rye, oats, corn)

The lipids on the surface of the stigma stimulate pollen tube growth of compatible pollen.

Plants are sterile pollen even their own self-floWERS growth rate of pollen tubes.

The presence of several pollen has been shown that promote rapid growth of pollen tubes in some plants.

The number of pollen needed for pollination / syngamy, the amount of eggs.

You can run a section melon identifying mature seeds, resulted from syngamy to see, and the white immature seeds from a failure of syngamy.

The proportion of mature seeds of the developed framework is proportional to the quality of the fruit that can be tested by taste.

The trace element boron is essential for pollen tube growth. While boron is toxic to a complete absence of boron in the soil causing crop losses.

Ferns, algae and other lower plants (including Ginkgo Biloba and cicadas, have strange pollen deposited) directly into the egg cell by pollen tubes: They castigated sperm that swim in an aqueous liquid egg Pollenated.

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